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Dog Show


Almost 200 AKC-recognized breeds will compete for the coveted Best in Show title at one of America’s oldest dog shows.
Stache the Sealyham Terrier beat out over 1850 dogs representing 199 breeds and varieties recognized by the American Kennel Club.
Find out who wins Best in Show at the 2023 National Dog Show.
Margery Good, handler of Best in Show winner Stache, talks about the Sealyham Terrier and sharing the win with her beloved canine.
Stache the Sealyham Terrier takes home Best in Show at the 2023 National Dog Show after coming up short in last year’s Best in Show judging.
Find out who wins the Working Group at the 2023 National Dog Show.
U.S. Olympians Gabby Thomas and Bobby Finke talk about their dogs and what they have learned from their four-legged best friends.
Find out who wins the Terrier Group at the 2023 National Dog Show!
Find out who wins the Hound Group at the 2023 National Dog Show.
Find out who wins the Sporting Group at the 2023 National Dog Show.